Set Conversion Goals

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The conversion feature allows you to set conversion goals for your site or app. Conversion goals can be any event or action that users perform on your site which has value to you. This can include things like sign-ups, downloads, purchases, etc.

Add Conversion Goal

To create a new conversion setting, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add Setting icon.

2. This will bring up the conversion screen as shown below.

From here, you can enter the settings or conditions to define a conversion event.  To add a setting you must enter the following:

a. Name – This is the name for this setting. Try using something descriptive such as “Newsletter Sign-Up” to make it easy to identify.
b. Comment – This is an optional field. You can add any description or comment regarding this setting here.
c. Value – This is a multipart entry for the setting. Including

* AND | OR - Select AND if you want to make all conditions have to be met to be counted as a conversion. 
             Select OR if you want to make any condition to be met to be counted as a conversion
* Type - Currently only Path is available. Path means page-path which mean page URL.
* Condition - The condition selector lets you select what are matching conditions 
              (e.g - equal to, not equal to, include, not include, etc.)
* Value - The value field is for entering the specific conversion item such as the page-path 
          (e.g. - /newsletter/sign-up)
* Add - This button lets you add more than one Type/Condition/Value combination for your conversion setting.

3. Click on the Save button to save your setting.